Catbird New Jersey Catbird
feather flbs
Sommer Park Preserve, Hopewell, New Jersey

Featherbed Lane Banding Station
Chickadee quiz


Ranges of Black-capped Chickadee and Carolina Chickadee overlap in the Sourlands region of New Jersey. During the past three decades, a gradual increase in Carolina Chickadees has been observed at FLBS, while a slight decline in Black-capped Chickadee numbers has taken place. The species also occasionally hybridize, and appear to learn each others' vocalizations.

Jean Bickal and other workers have taken numerous photographs of interesting chickadees and matched them with banding data. below is presented some of these photos as a "quiz" for your entertainment-- can you identify the birds correctly? Click on YOUR guess and the answer will display.

Group 1:

Chickadee Quiz Bird 3 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Chickadee Quiz Bird 1 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Chickadee Quiz Bird 2 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Group 2:

Chickadee Quiz Bird 8 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Chickadee Quiz Bird 9 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Chickadee Quiz Bird 7 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Group 3:

Chickadee Quiz Bird 4 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Chickadee Quiz Bird 5 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

Chickadee Quiz Bird 6 Black-capped    Carolina    Hybrid

© 2001-2021 by the Featherbed Lane Banding Station. Last updated 11/28/2021.